Wednesday, August 27, 2008

so i thought id throw this on here for lack of anything good to blog about...i have been playing a lot with my new computer and i love the photo booth movie is gus chiggins/carl from slingblade...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

new computer

got a new computer for work...lots of bells and whistles...i am a fan...

hahahahaha i love that kid

so many of you will know that my friend steve helped me build a bike two winters ago...we modified an Yamaha xs 750...painted it to look like Wyatts (Peter Fondas) bike on Easy of the best ways to start out the morning is to go for a i slapped on my ipod and a good playlist and went for a ride...

it was early before school started and i saw lots of students walking reluctantly on their way to their first class...most kids had scowls on their face and i can't say that i can blame them...but then i noticed was a young boy....probably 3rd or 4th grade and he had kinda a smirk on his face...the kind when a funny joke just went through your mind and it made you real happy...the coolest part about this kid was he was wearing his backpack on his head...instead of wearing the straps on his shoulders he had one of the straps around his forehead letting the rest of the pack hang down behind his head....

i wanted to stop my bike and walk the rest of the way with him to school...i am sure that his mom or dad had told him not to wear his pack like that and as soon as he was out of eyesight he went back to the way he had it...this undoubtedly brought a smirk to his face...i would have liked to know his story....

ps...i was that kid...

Monday, August 18, 2008

good friends, a dead squirrel and youth group

this weekend was a really good weekend with lots going on...on friday my friend steve turned 40 years old and a bunch of us went out to eat at the RAM to celebrate...good food, good laughs and good friends made it a really fun didn't hurt that at the end of our meal we got to watch michael phelps win his seventh gold medal by beating Cavic (or whatever his name is) by .01 seconds.  we got pretty loud and that was fun...a night with those friends wasn't complete without my imitation of mr. miagi for denise...

kakes and i stayed up even later to watch more of the olympics that night once we got made getting up at 5 am the next morning a difficult task...but it is squirrel season and i was super excited...i found myself sitting at the foot of a tree at 5:45 am waiting for the sun to wake up the woods...almost an hour later the woods was alive...i saw two doe and a couple raccoons before i ever heard a 7:00 i could hear the squirrels as they ate and made lots of noise almost as if they were laughing and joking with each other over breakfast....i took my time and by 7:30 I was walking back to my truck, squirrel in hand...i decided to call it quits with one that morning cause i wanted kakes to see if before she left that morning...we fried it up that night for was a good day...

sunday was a great day as well...student leadership as well as intersect has started back up for the year and i am excited about what is in store for this year...i learned a lot from my first week of leading intersect and have confidence that it will continue to get better and better...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pictures of the dog

several of you will have already seen this pictures on my facebook...but i did want to put a couple of them up on my here is molly...i will try and get some more up here soon...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

the sound of football

this morning was a good morning as i got ready and read my bible to the sounds of the high school marching band practicing nearby...katie and i bought our house back in november near greenfield central high the band practiced i couldn't help but think of crisp friday nights in also reminded me of warm saturday afternoons in september in some college i imagined the smell of the tailgate parties i couldn't help but become anxious for the fall and the start of football season...

at the same time it makes me sad...the last two falls i have coached high school football at greenfield central...because of the increased responsibility in my life (ie new wife/new house/new job) coaching fell last on the list as far as priorities...i am excited however to attend some games this fall and get to be a spectator again...

so with all that being said...

go cougars
go boilers
go steelers

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

molly pugglestone and the DOG PEOPLE

right off the bat i apologize for not having a picture up of our new puppy but i have been having issues with our camera and it not working...

we have lots of different genres of people living in our high school you have your skaters/goths/jocks and college there are the TAs/gamers/coffee house rats and disc golfer-hippie i have grown into adulthood i have noticed more genres popping up...workaholics/career woman/landscape and lawncare man and deadbeat guy...but there is a new genre of people that i have noticed just in the last week...and they are DOG PEOPLE...

...DOG PEOPLE are very fascinating to me....

they refer to themselves as mom or dad...they remember random special events in their dogs life like the first time they went to the bathroom outside and have you been to a petsmart recently...i didn't know they had all the options of things you could get for your dogs...but the DOG PEOPLE love it...

all of this is well and good...i guess its not too much for me...but the kicker is the people that we have met that cannot have a conversation without bringing up their dog...we will be talking about the weather and how bad we need rain...and without missing a beat it is "snuggles doesn't like the rain..." i thought we were talking about the weather...there is only so many hours that i can sit and talk about the mating/bathroom/and eating habits of a dog...

i guess this is something i am going to have to get used to lets hear it for DOG PEOPLE...and let hear it for molly we like her a lot...but she is our dog...not our child

ps the DOG PERSON just corrected me for calling her a dog and not a puppy...