kakes and i stayed up even later to watch more of the olympics that night once we got home...it made getting up at 5 am the next morning a difficult task...but it is squirrel season and i was super excited...i found myself sitting at the foot of a tree at 5:45 am waiting for the sun to wake up the woods...almost an hour later the woods was alive...i saw two doe and a couple raccoons before i ever heard a squirrel...by 7:00 i could hear the squirrels as they ate and made lots of noise almost as if they were laughing and joking with each other over breakfast....i took my time and by 7:30 I was walking back to my truck, squirrel in hand...i decided to call it quits with one that morning cause i wanted kakes to see if before she left that morning...we fried it up that night for dinner...it was a good day...
sunday was a great day as well...student leadership as well as intersect has started back up for the year and i am excited about what is in store for this year...i learned a lot from my first week of leading intersect and have confidence that it will continue to get better and better...
Good times. Good times.
You got a good wife there, who doesn't mind frying up a squirrel with a whole through its head in her kitchen.
Cause...I mean...I know that you just put the squirrel directly into the frying pan as it is.
whats RAM?
whats RAM?
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