Monday, December 22, 2008

a noun, a noun and another noun

once you begin blogging or become a blog reader, it doesn't take you long to pick up on some of the unspoken rules of blogging...

i have previously posted about one of these unspoken rules:

begging and pleading for forgiveness as you confess your shame and remorse for not blogging for weeks and months...only to be followed up by a commitment to blog much more often....

today i want to talk about another unspoken rule....the title....

you must have a catchy title or no one will want to read your blog....

one of the ways to best do this is to come up with three nouns that really symbolize your story...for instance lets say you want to share about your thanksgiving...your title might go something like this:

a bird, a prayer and a dream come true

see how easy that was...then everyone will want to read about what a wonderful thanksgiving you had with your 80 year old grandpa who said the blessing over his 40th thanksgiving meal while everyone shed tears of joy...

remember the more symbolic the words the more people will want to read your blog...also you can't go wrong to use alliteration...


Going Weston said...

whats the dream come true?!! Finish the story!!!

bill wolf said...

you can also win balderdash using that same sentiment when you do the movie titles category. so fun.

bill wolf said...

oops, that was betsy, not bill.