Monday, November 26, 2007

555 W. 7th St

is the address to the house Katie and bought a week ago...i have been taking a lot of criticism (all in good fun i hope) from some dear friends of mine about not updating my blog...just so that i can make myself feel better about all of this i am going to defend myself...since november 3rd (my last post) i have been...

November 5th, 12th, 19th-Pre-Marriage Counseling with Dan the Man Curry
November 7th-ICYC Host Meeting (3 hours)
November 8th-Skit Practice (2 hours: none of us knew our lines)
November 10th-Wedding Shower for Katie in F-town
November 11th-Sunday Morning Skit/High School Mosaic* in the evening
November 13th-Dinner with Katies Family
November 14th-9am-2pm Video Shoot/Middle School Mosaic in the evening
November 15th-9am-11am Video Shoot
November 16th-Closing for the house 9am-11am/Move into new house/ICYC
November 17th-18th-ICYC/Sunday evening small group
November 19th-Dinner with Katies Family
November 21st-Leave for Francesville Thanksgiving
November 22nd-Come home from Francesville Thanksgiving

which brings us pretty close to today...anytime i failed to mention a date following the 16th of November you can count on that i have been at the new house fix/cleaning/moving/whatever else needs done there...i am now in the process of putting up outside lights for christmas...on top of all of this i have had to keep up with my normal youth ministry duties...not to mention plan a wedding that is as of today 19 days away...needless to say it has been a crazy time but a real good time in my life...thanks for being interested enough in my life to want me to blog more...i promise to do better...

i will post soon about ICYC and the Hosting i did...i played three characters...C-Biz-Kit, Cleetus P. Hoggreaser and Sebastian the emo kid (i wore size 8 girl jeans for that character)

keep reading


*Mosaic is a worship experience were teens can ecounter God and express their worship. This is a once a month service Sunday for High School Wednesday for Middle School. This takes the whole month to plan and there are many elements to make happen


Going Weston said...

Alright C, you're off the hook this time. Can I stay in your new house?

18 days!! AAAHH!!!

Betsy said...

whatever. quit cryin. see you soon!!