Thursday, November 29, 2007

Ickyick Characters

The Indiana Christian Youth Convention (ICYC-Ickyick) is a weekend conference for high school students all over Indiana. This year I had the pleasure of hosting ICYC. I hosted as myself of course but with a slight identity crisis.

I kicked off the conference by coming out and indroducing myself as Keith Parker (ICYC President). Keith, who played off of my characters all weekend, told me that I need to find my own identity and to "get a life." "My Life" was the theme of the weekend.

I made a quick wardrobe change and came out as C-Biz-Kit. C-Biz-Kit was a white wanna be thug rapper.(See Malibu's Most Wanted) We played a "rap" game and gave away an iPod. Keith again tried to set me straight as to how I wasn't a white wanna be thug rapper and that I needed to find my identity.

The next morning as Keith was doing the morning announcements, Sweet Home Alabama kicked on and the crowd heard the sounds of a Harley Davidson fire up off stage. I came out as Cleetus P. Hoggreaser. We picked several kids from the audience and raced tricycles around the auditorium for a Nintendo Wii.

The last character I played was the "Emo" Kid. I had the jet black hair, size 8 girl jeans, vans and a nasty disposition. I hated everyone there, it was too loud, and no one had the taste in music that I did. It was a fun character to play. I think I made some emo kids mad but no one noticed cause they always look mad.

I came out on the last day of the conference as myself and did a fun interactive crowd game with them. It was a lot of fun and I hope you all enjoy the pictures.

16 days til my wedding


chad. said...

I'm grating my forehead against a brick wall trying to scrub away these images from my memory.

I hope these 16 days go by quickly my friend.

Betsy said...

heather and i laughed at these pics for a long time in the office the other day! glorious!

Going Weston said...

You are perfect

Betsy said...

are we gonna be dancin at this shin-dig you're havin in a week?

Betsy said...

you should know that the site you connect my name to isn't my actual blog site...that is just thought i'd let you know because i actually update that one. not that it's that important...