Monday, October 27, 2008


Last week I got a call in my office from our secretary. She said there was a man on the phone and he wanted to talk to a minister. I took the call and on the other line I hear a man say, "I need to talk to someone." I said, "Ok, where are you." He said, "I'm sitting in my trailer and I just need to talk to a minister." So I grabbed Dean and we headed over to address in which he gave me.

After knocking on the door we saw the face of a man who had obviously not shaved in several days and looked as though he had been crying. We had to watch were we stepped as we made our way in because the place had looked as it had been turned upside down. The smell of cigarettes mixed with mold made it difficult to breathe during our visit. We sat as we listened to this guys story. He was way behind on his rent and had an eviction notice on top of that. He had been out of work for months and to top it off his girlfriend and his unborn child had taken off because they need a safe place to stay. We listened as he talked about years of bad decisions and painful memories. He kept saying that all he wanted was his girlfriend and kid back.

As I listened to the pain and brokenheartedness pouring out of this man I noticed amidst all of the clutter on the floor a newspaper. There were lots of news papers on the floor but this one caught my eye. It was folded in such a way that all I could see was the headline. It read: DOWN ROARS BACK 965 POINTS. I could help but think of the irony that this provided. While we cheered the Dow bouncing back in his trailer sat a man who felt no effects of such a turn of good fortune. It helped to give me a better perspective during this election and tough economic time.

So what happens when the Dow does come back and stabilizes. What happens when the economy is good again. There are still going to be guys like this sitting in trailers breathing in toxic air hoping against all hope that their family could come home. Its as times like this I am glad I am not a Republican.

Its at times like this I am glad I am not a Democrat.

Its at times like this I am glad I am a follower of Christ. Jesus was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering. This guy was a Jesus kind of guy and I was glad to hear his story.


Betsy said...

great perspective char. it's very true!

Going Weston said...

wait, then who are you voting for...?

(sorry for the joke, good post. Tell me the whole story when you come to visit me...)

Chad French said...

Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

really enjoyed this.... wish more people had the same thoughts.