Monday, February 16, 2009

i have stopped caring

i was able to go to youth specialities this fall in pittsburgh pa and it was good for me to see all the different types of youth ministers there...i used to want to be like a lot of know the cool youth minister that dressed cool and listened to the same music that their kids like...but i have realized that i am not that guy...i have stopped caring...

i think the moment that i realized this was the week i started wearing my cell phone on my was much easier to wear it there than to keep it in my pocket...i also started using a bluetooth headset....i have stopped caring how uncool this makes me...i have stopped caring that it makes me 20 years older than i am...its convienient and i like it...

hears to you all you bluetooth wearers and cell phone belt clippers...


Betsy said...

hahahaha...i love it! It also explains those shoes.

Going Weston said...

I could have sworn that Kid Rock poster was what made you uncool. But I guess not.

Just be yourself, there's only one Charlie Ketchen.

Don Crane said...

You are still cool to me. Of course, consider the source.